Massage – Relieve those Autumn Aches
As Autumn kicks in with sharp, cool mornings – or most likely, chilly damp starts, we quickly remember all those niggling aches and pains. One fresh morning is enough is to seize up the back, nag away at the hips and that’s not to mention our shoulders rising to brace against the driving rain!
With still so much daylight to be enjoyed and outdoors getting ready for winter, it is a perfect time to nudge the body back into alignment and remind the muscles to release. If you start paying attention to the niggles now, you can look forward to a trouble free winter. Toning muscles, improving circulation, addressing long term aches and correcting underlying strains will help ease you through the cold, dark months.
Warm, supple muscles get strained less, incur fewer knots and mean better balance, fewer falls, better posture and a freer winter all round. Massage is a key component in improving muscle tone by invigorating and rejuvenating tissue and organ function. Far more than an indulgent treat (although it is that too!) massage can get to the root of musculoskeletal problems as well as reducing stress levels dramatically.
The sooner injuries get treatment the shorter the recovery time, but even the most stubborn chronic symptoms can be relieved. Call in for a free assessment and taster session to start your winter on the right foot.
Click on the following links to learn more about all the different types of massage available at Marlborough House
Articles are the property of Marlborough House.