Acupuncture, Hypnotherapy & Eczema
Both acupuncture and hypnotherapy have been shown to influence allergic responses which can cause eczema as well as alleviate the typical symptoms (itching, irritation and general discomfort. A report in the British Medical Journal as far back as 1963 revealed that hypnosis could prevent hypersensitive skin reactions to allergens and thereby prevent inflammation and irritation.
A report of the Royal College of Physicians Committee on Clinical Immunology and Allergy in 1992 acknowledged that acupuncture and hypnotherapy have a ‘role to play’ in the treatment of allergy-induced eczema. This is particularly significant bearing in mind that Studies conducted at the Department of Paediatrics, St Goran’s Children’s Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden have demonstrated that an allergy to a specific yeast (P. orbiculare) plays an important pathogenic role in many cases of eczema.
(1) Black S. Inhibition of immediate-type hypersensitivity response by direct suggestion under hypnosis. British Medical Journal (1963)1, 925-9. (2) Nordvall SL; Lindgren L; Johansson SG; Johansson 5; Fetrini B. IgE antibodies to Pityrosporum orbiculare and Staphylococcus aureus in patients with very high serum total IgE. Department of Paediatrics, St Goran’s Children’s Hospital, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Clin Exp Allergy (ENGLAND) Aug 1992, 22 (8) p756-61.
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