Flower Essence Therapy In The Treatment Of Major Depression:
Preliminary Findings
Jeffrey R. Cram, PhD
This preliminary study examines the adjunctive use of flower essence therapy in the treatment of mild to moderate major depression. Flower essence therapy is similar to homeopathy in that it involves the ingesting of a substance which is physically dilute, but energetically active. Flower essences were prepared from a solar infusion of the fresh blossoms of plants.
Twelve patients from 4 clinics around the United States were offered one month of “usual care,” followed by three months of usual care plus flower essence therapy. Usual care for 11 of the 12 patients entailed psychotherapy, while 1 patient was offered nutritional support and counseling. The flower essence therapy was individualized and 60 different essences were used, with a mean of 8 flower essences given to a patient.
The results of this study were measured using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) and the Hamilton Depressions Scale (HAMD). A time series analysis of the data was conducted using an ANOVA for repeated measures. The first month of usual care showed the BDI and HAMD to be unchanged. Flower essence therapy produced significant reductions of approximately 50% in both indices.
The results strongly suggest that flower essences may be used adjunctively to facilitate the resolution of mild to moderate depression.
This abstract is taken from The International Journal of Healing and Caring and the full report can be found at; http://www.wholistichealingresearch.com/user_files/documents/ijhc/articles/Cram-I-1d.pdf